Many businesses take great pains in complying with health regulations in the food cart business. In the health seminar provided by many local offices on the proper food handling techniques, there are certain rules that are set forth to make the food preparation process compliant with the legal requirements.
Do: Always use gloves when handling food. This is to avoid bare skin contact with the food. Unlike in restaurants where it is a climate-controlled environment, the food cart is out in the open. Thus, there is greater susceptibility for germs to attach to the skin and hands and be transferred to the food.
Don’t: When using gloves, avoid using one set of gloves when handling different kinds of ingredients. In doing this, you stand the chance of cross contaminating the food ingredients with germs or bacteria from other ingredients. For example, chemicals from lettuce or other greens would contaminate cheese or mayonnaise causing it to mold and spoil. So you need to use a different set of gloves for each ingredient when putting together the food.
Do: Wash your hands whenever you leave the food preparation area. This can be as simple as handing over cash at the register or receiving deliveries to your food cart. This is important as errant bacteria may come and contaminate the food particles. So it is important that the food cart employee understands the importance of washing up when not handling food or stops in the food preparation.
Don’t: Avoid shaking hands of others or touching body parts be it your own or others when on the clock. You will never know what the other person has touched before shaking your hand. They may carry some superbugs and even vigorous washing cannot remove them from your hands. Also, scratching, picking your nose or other body touching activities are definite no-nos for a food server. There may be some errant germs that may be transferred to the food and cause illness to your clients.
These simple do’s and don’ts are the basis taught in health seminars all throughout the country. In essence, they provide the proper use of gloves and the sanitary requirements in food handling. When you comply with these simple guidelines, you are sure to keep your food clean and keep your customers safe.